Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Spring flower

Here is my accomplishment for the day.  One hexagon flower.  The picture isn't the best.  The fabric is Mary Engelbreit.  I may use it in my cross stitch quilt.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

What's Happening Wednesday

The teacup square is coming together.  Today while at the Dr's office with my daughter, I added some French knots to the teacup. Yesterday I worked on the border of the square. I was hoping to get more done on my days off, but was unable to because of all of the errands that I had to do.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Block 4 is complete

I just finished block 4.  It is probably my favorite square.  The house is so cute and looks cozy from  the outside.  Now I just have 2 more squares to finish.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

What's happening Wednesday

I haven't gotten too much done craft wise.  We are thinking about moving, so I have been decluttering the house.  I have boxed several things up that we haven't been using.  I have boxed all of my quilt books and magazines up and about half of my fabric.  I hope that the fabric doesn't end up smelling in a few months.  It is being stored in the garage.  Does anyone know of a good way of storing fabric?

I am still making some headway on my Mary Engelbreit quilt.  I am hoping to finish my 4th square today.  That will leave me with just 2 more to finish.

Here are 2 of my completed quilts.  The one on top was given to my brother and his wife.  The red and white one was given to a friend when she became an RN.